Aravind Mohan

Fall 2024 / COSC-2370, Assembly Language and Computer Organization

Catalog Description:
A required course in COSC major. Topics covered include an introduction to machine language and computer structure including data representation, conversion, hardware organization, addressing, macros, branching, I/O, subroutines and linkages. Students must have a laptop computer.
Prerequisites: COSC-1340 Programming Fundamentals [ with grade of C or better].

Course Overview:
A study of the low-level operation of computer systems. In this course, students investigate how computers process instructions in modern computers as information is encoded, stored, and executed in a machine’s physical structures. In addition to learning how to program in assembly and machine languages, students investigate the design and logical operation of processors and the mathematics of machine computation. Upon successful completion of this course, students will have a deeper knowledge and realization of low-end computing by exploring Logic & Assembly programming language and examining holistically the link between the high-level languages, the low-level languages and the hardware. Students must have a wireless tablet PC or laptop computer and bring it to every class session.

Required Textbook:

      Alan Clements, Principles of Computer Hardware, 4th edition ISBN13: 978-0199273133.

Course Details:

Monday,Wednesday -- 11:00 am to 12:20 pm, Cooke 211.
Office Location:
Cooke C-206
Office hours:
Monday, Wednesday -- 8:00 am to 11:00 am.
Tuesday, Thursday -- 8:00 am to 9:00 am and 11:00 am to 1:00 pm.


Link to Lesson-1 Slides    Link to Setup Instructions